Audacious Living

Friday, June 17, 2005

Decisions, Decisions

There should be a reality show about a person with a physical disability trying to make it in the world. Perhaps that might help some of these able bodied people stop whining about stupid and insignificant events and obstacles in their lives.

There are people out there who thrive on drama. I watch some of these reality shows and want to gag! WHO WANTS TO BE A HILTON? Give me a break.

We should have one that says "WHO WANTS TO BE DISABLED?"

We sew their legs together so they cant get up or do anything with their legs. We allow them to keep their car but they cant drive it.

If they live in the city, they will have to deal with the sidewalks and lack of curb cuts.

Actually, we should have them live in NYC. Then we can ask them to go to the famous restaurant "Serendipity" and see how they plan to get down those steps to enter a public restaurant.

Or maybe, we can have the contestants try to get from point A to point B in NYC without using their friends for transportation. many people would go for it?

Do you think we get to scream YOU'RE FIRED! ?

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