Lack of Leadership
I can't find the words to express how I feel about our government and its lack of common sense. I can not believe that we are told not to fear the terrorists yet the people in our government are afraid to speak up against those who do wrong.
Let's face it anyone who thinks President Bush is not at fault for his lack of response to Hurricane Katrina is severely ill.
I am trying to take it all in, in small bits here and there. He goes on a vacation for one month. One month! Not even CEOs in the corporate world do that. Then, he doesn't appear in the area of destruction until the fifth day. Miracle! The food and water appear on the same day as well.
I read a few articles and they said that a woman in a wheelchair was found dead at the entrance of the Superdome. How sad is that!
Plenty of time to prepare for this hurricane. The city needed the federal government to help them and they were alone on this.
It seems that the apple doesn't fall far from its tree. Papa Bush did the same thing to us during the Hurricane Andrew saga. Now Baby Bush aka Shrub does the same thing to the victims of Hurricane Katrina.
So I try to decide not to be too angry about it because we are the big and powerful USA . Relief should be a cinch to us, right? I guess not. Even Mexico is helping up.
Why is anyone helping us?
Are we in such bad shape that countries who need our help are now helping us?
Then here is the kicker. My school and the others in the Dade County area are preparing a water drive to collect sealed containers of water and transport them to the areas in need.
So now, we are supplying water. Basic water! The government can't get water?
What is wrong with that?
I am embarrassed. But the people who should really be embarrassed are the ones who voted for Bush again!
Where is the big leadership now?
I have been puzzling about the absence of leadership also. When I looked to our own community I found it however. That's what I write in the editorial that I reprinted here:
Scott Rains
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